the magic of finishing a song

Published March 07, 2022

When I was 6, I was acting out in school because I was bored, so my first grade teacher recommended to my parents that they put me in music lessons. My parents took me to the local music store and signed me up. I had a really great teacher who made the lessons fun and even encouraged me to write a song based on a little poem I liked about a wolfman.

I didn’t really like practicing for my lessons, but I did love the feeling of being able to play a song that I had heard on the radio.

So how did I make the leap from music appreciator or amateur musician to professional songwriter?

You can read the whole story in an article I wrote for the gls blog entitled “Why You Should Write a Crappy Song,” but one excellent formula for finishing songs is: structure, permission, and validation.

Structure can be as simple as making a writing date with a friend or signing up for a class.

Permission is a process of turning off your critical mind. Practice makes it easier, but at first, giving yourself permission to write the worst song ever is a good starting place.

Validation could mean sharing the song with a trusted friend who is able to hear the seeds of greatness in early work, but who won’t lie to you.

Are you ready to make the leap?

I mean, I love you, but neither you nor I are getting any younger.

Today is the perfect day to give yourself structure, permission and validation.

All the way to the finish,
for golden lotus studio



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Gary Grundei, founder | composer

There’s a magic that can happen when you put creativity, growth, authenticity, generosity, and community all together in one virtual environment. golden lotus studio was established as an online community in 2018 to fill a need for composers and songwriters of all walks of life and experience and training and styles to be able to support each other in their creativity and growth.

Friday Afternoon Songwriting Club (FASC)

A dynamic community designed to help you write better songs today.

Hell Yeah, You Can Write a Song!

In fact, you’ll write at least 5 in this on demand course.
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64 songwriting tips AND TRICKS

We created these tips just for you! Why? Because we know that you have a song just waiting to emerge and we want to help you share it with the world! Free for a limited time.