
Congratulations on taking this bold step on behalf of your creative song-making self!

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Do you want to do more with these tips than read them?

Do you want to do actually apply these tips in real time?


Then please allow me to introduce you to…



A weekly songwriting club designed to engage and expand your musical potential.

every Friday at 4pm EST

In this LIVE weekly gathering held every Friday afternoon, experienced and renowned songwriter and composer Gary Grundei will guide you through writing your own original music from scratch using techniques designed to engage your creativity and get you out of your comfort zone.


What should I expect out of these classes?

Each 75-minute songwriting class is LIVE and led by Gary himself. Through brand-new sets of writing prompts and compositional methods, you’ll produce a first draft of your very own original song by the end of each class.

Do I qualify for this?

Yes! Any and all songwriting skill levels are welcome. The best part about the methods you’ll take away from this course are that they can immediately apply to any experienced songwriter as well as those who are just starting out. 

What if I can’t make a class at 4?

If you can’t hop on the video call live, you can watch it any time over the weekend and write the song along with the recording! Do it before Tuesday at 5PM EST, though, because that’s when the class recording will expire.

This sounds a bit intimidating!

Don’t worry! The good news is that you’re not alone; so many others will be watching along with you during every class and getting out of their comfort zones too. There’s even a chance to engage with your classmates, and it’s highly encouraged! Post your song in the private forum at golden lotus studio and get supportive, positive feedback about your new creation. Listen to what other folks made and connect with like-minded songwriters on any number of topics.

How much does it cost?

Let’s say you take a 75-minute workshop in which you write a song that is uniquely yours. If you paid $49 for such a class, wouldn’t you call that a complete bargain?

What if you got a bonus Q&A session about the songwriting process with each workshop? Let’s say that’s worth another $15, but we’re going to throw it in for free.

And then there’s the forum. You get access to the online community at golden lotus studio where you’ll be able to post your song and get honest, useful, supportive feedback from your peers and from professional songwriting mentors so you can make your song better. 

But now, for an entire MONTH of classes, it’s only $37. That’s less than $10 a class! Sure beats $125 per class through Berklee Online!

What if I’m still not sure?

Never fear! If you’re still not sure about committing to a month of classes, you can start a 10-day trial run for just $1. This gives you plenty of time to catch a class LIVE or watch it later over the weekend and decide if it’s for you. We have faith that you’ll love it and want to sign up on a regular basis. But there’s no obligation. If you’re not having the time of your life, just cancel within the 10 days and you won’t be charged further.

you can sign-up here

*If are experiencing financial hardship, but are craving the songmaking offerings described here, please reach out and let me know because a modest amount of scholarship funds are available for folks in such circumstances. Please send an email to himself [at] garygrundei.com describing your situation.