embodiment + space
Published January 21, 2022
This is your quick hit reminder that whatever you’re doing, whatever your question, whatever the struggle, the first answer is always the same: embodiment + space.
When we’re in fight or flight, we can’t think creatively or connect with our highest wisdom.
When we’re in the weeds, we cannot have the perspective of the expansive bird’s eye view.
When we’re grasping and holding tightly, we paradoxically cannot even receive that which we are chasing.
Join me in a deep breath right now, won’t you?
Maybe even stop with your email and your web surfing and take a few moments to reset.
To breathe into your core.
To honor your body, your heart, your soul.
And then return to your work with a fresh perspective, a renewal of energy, and freedom from struggle.
You deserve it and so does your work.
You didn’t come to this plane to just get by.
You came to do real work and embody real presence.
Thanks for being on this plane at the same time as me.
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Gary Grundei, founder | composer
There’s a magic that can happen when you put creativity, growth, authenticity, generosity, and community all together in one virtual environment. golden lotus studio was established as an online community in 2018 to fill a need for composers and songwriters of all walks of life and experience and training and styles to be able to support each other in their creativity and growth.