the Self shines forth
A disciple asked Sri Ramana Maharshi, “How can I control the mind?”
Ramana responded, “There is no mind to control if the Self is realized. The Self shines forth when the mind vanishes.
A disciple asked Sri Ramana Maharshi, “How can I control the mind?”
Ramana responded, “There is no mind to control if the Self is realized. The Self shines forth when the mind vanishes.
Want a fresh perspective in your creative practice today?
Yeah, me too!
Listen, I know that there are as many different ways to write music as there are musicians, so it might very well be that what I’m about to suggest is exactly how you already work. If so, please forgive me.
What did you discover about song titles?
The meta-observation I want to make is that you already know how to make song titles that are interesting to you because you’ve been listening to music all your life and noticing the titles and you’re a curious sort of creator who has found their way to this newsletter.
The golden lotus studio newsletter arrives about once a week and contains songwriting tips, tricks, meditations, and discounts to our offerings you won’t see anywhere else. we will never sell or spam your email.